Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Many Things Coming Up!

 Well, we have not yet had anymore snow! Hopefully it will hold off for a while to let us catch up in the classroom.
        We have many things coming up to keep us very busy.
  1. "Me Bags" are due this Friday, January 28th. I sent home a brown paper bag with a poem attached. Please have your child put three things in that bag that represent them. We will share our bags with the class on Friday and Monday.
  2. Valentine's- please have your child send in their Valentine's to friends in their class by Feb. 7. The party is not until Monday the 14th, but we will have the children put their Valentine's in their friend's bags throughout the week in an art center.
  3. 100th Day of school- We have been keeping up with how many days we come to school since the beginning of the year. This is a great way to also reinforce counting. I will be sending home a baggie with your child. Please collect 100 items of only ONE thing (example- 100 pennies, 100 cheese its, 100 pieces of pasta). We will share these on February 8th.
WHOOOOOSH! I know this seems like a lot, but this is a very fun time for your child (and for Mrs. Brenda and me) :0)

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